Tuesday, February 1, 2011

last week catch-up & January recaps....

In no particular order.....
  • I stuck to my WW plan about 75% of the time...net result was minus 6.2 lbs. for the month  - YAY!!
  • I made a concerted effort to get to the gym everyday in January....but this winter weather has NOT been helpful.  I think I made it to the gym about 50% of the time.
  • I started my C25K program during the last week of January - and survived!
  • I checked out the Broad Street Run as something to work towards for NEXT YEAR.  I then began hyperventilating as I read this page.
  • I did not work on any boxes.  Huge argument this past weekend.  :-(
  • We discovered we had mice - YUCK.  Batman managed to trap four of them in a three day span and we haven't seen any others (or evidence thereof) so I'm hoping we've got them all.  It was like a Siberian deathcamp outside my garage.....
  • The Tiny Titan had his Third Grade Consecration event at synagogue....and I was truly kvelling.
  • During last week's snow event, we got snowed in at our friends' house - and I drank lots and lots of white wine and actually relaxed for a night.  I baked (and brought with me) some amazing banana / peanut butter swirl cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  OMFG.  
  • I did go to the Y the next day to work off the aforementioned cupcakes.  And wine.
  • And I still hate "weather events" that involve incredible amounts of wind and / or rain.  
  • Lastly.....I'm going to find the kid that keeps praying for snow and beat the crap out of him / her.  Or at least tie them up and throw them in a locked closet until May.

1 comment:

TAH said...

Mazel tov on the consecration!